Delphi - база знаний


Как узнать номер автоинкремента при вставке новой записи?

Как узнать номер автоинкремента при вставке новой записи?

We have a table in MsAccess like :

Test, Fields (id=autoinc, name=text);

First we have to have a function like the one below :

functionGetLastInsertID: integer;
  // datResult = TADODataSet
  datResult.Active := False;
  datResult.CommandText := 'select @@IDENTITY as [ID]';
  datResult.Active := True;
  Result := datResult.FieldByName('id').AsInteger;
  datResult.Active := False;

Now before getting the last inserted record record id = autoincrement field, in other words calling the above function. You have to do a SQL insert like the following

procedure InsertRec;
  // datCommand = TADOCommand
  datCommand.CommandText := 'insert into [test] ( [name] ) values ( "Test" )';

Now if we like to know which is the last autoinc value ( notice that the getlastinsertid proc. only works after the insertrec proc)

procedure Test;
  Showmessage(format('lastinsertid : %d', [GetLastInsertID]));

Hope you can make this work, it works for me, any questions feel free to ask

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